Abandoned dog, a friend for you
Adopt a dog, make yourself and him happy
Brochure - Animal welfare in broiler production systems
Brochure Animal welfare at Slaughter
Brochure Animal welfare during transport
Brochure Animal Welfare in laying hen production systems
Brochure Biosecurity of laying hans and broilers
Brochure My dog, my responsibility
Brochure Protect your animals
Brochure Status of disease-free herds
Fact Sheet "Reinforcement of animal health and welfare"
Leaflet Animal welfare at Slaughter
Leaflet Animal welfare during transport
Leaflet of the Project Reinforcement of animal health and welfare
Leaflet of the Project Reinforcement of animal health and welfare
Leaflet Responsible Dog Ownership
Leaflet Rift valley fever
Leaflet Sheep and goat pox
Nacrt Akcionog plana za sprovođenje Nacionalne strategije za upravljanje populacijom pasa
Nacrt Nacionalne strategije za upravljanje populacijom pasa u Srbiji
Video of the project "Reinforcement of animal health and welfare"